Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Premise 1: "Isabella Soprano"

Aka The Laws of Our Land (of the Free, the Brave, the Proud et al., / i.e. The United States of America) are and / or can be, at times...really, really Weird. 

I mean, c'mon, let's get real about this one. Have you ever seen the show "Cathouse" on HBO? I think it's only been and / or was on the air for like 26 seasons or episodes or something like that. I'm not going to look up the ABA rules to properly cite it or whatever other Rules aka Rules of Civil Procedure that one must follow in order for your E-Filing to be "accepted," or for your PDF to be searchable and not contain any metadata, et al. So, maybe you can just look it up on Google or on IMDb (that's the Internet Movie Database, for the non-lawyers out there). 

Also, for the record, I can neither confirm nor deny that I have any recollection of and / or "other" of Isabella Soprano and am invoking my right to plead the 5th on that one. Thanks, U.S. Constitution. Though, I remember discussing with my roommate at the time how she seemed almost like an anthropology or women's studies graduate student or something to that effect. It was paradoxical and amazing at the same time, I feel and / or felt and / or might remember. 

So, the same "act," i.e. soliciting a prostitute in (geographically speaking), for example, in downtown Los Angeles, would get you arrested, get your mugshot on the internet forever, maybe sort of "ruin your life" a bit, especially if you have children or a "job" or stuff like that. 

But, you can also, just instead, if you opted to, simply hop in your Prius or BMW or whatever you're rolling in (maybe a helicopter or private jet), throw on some satellite radio or stream some internet radio or jam out to the tunes on Highway Country radio on the A.M. channels (hey, don't knock it, till you try it) and cross the state line over to Nevada, where brothels are a legally licensed business and a profession. So, such said businesses aka brothels, collect taxes, it's seen under the Law as a profession (some might say the oldest profession in the world). 

I'm guessing they accept credit cards as it would seem somewhat shady to be a "cash only" type of business (that'd fall more under the California Law boundaries type of thing, I'm speculating or guessing, I think) and I'm sure they'd need to be in compliance with the IRS and import their earnings and handle their accounting and revenue, net revenue, cash flow, et al, into Quickbooks or whatever other accounting ledgers and / or methodologies and / or software they're using, etc. Not sure if any of them require an SEC form 10-Q, yet, though I might be wrong? Are those just for publicly traded companies or private companies also? Don't make me Google it. 

So, the same "act" of soliciting a prostitute, for "poignant" example purposes, in Los Angeles could essentially ruin your life and yet the same exact "act" about a 3-4 hours drive across state lines into Nevada (and depending on County Laws too, let's not forget about State, Local, Federal, et al.) would not only be legal, but you might be able to just throw it on your Amex Platinum, earn some rewards points, maybe get some free airfare out of it or tickets to see Taylor Swift or something?

I don't know. Seems weird. The same "act" committed about 3 hours to the left (or West) vs. the same "act" committed about 3 hours to the right (or East) are seen, under the Laws of our Land, very differently. 

So, okay "Mr. John" if you could just schooch on over about 3 hours to the right and hit your mark (we've taped it for you, per Home Box Office and / or the LAPD, et al, and / or "none") and as long as you commit the same act about 3 hours one way or another, give or take, you could either ruin your life or win an all expense paid trip around the world and / or maybe get some free Taylor Swift tickets out of it!!? Hooray! 

No? Is it just me? It might be. I can't rule that out, by logical definition. #JustSayin'

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