Friday, October 27, 2017

I feel like...

These fraudsters have forced me to become some sort of leopard in the jungle or something. I feel like I'm sort of just toying with my legal prey right now, in the wilderness, softening them up a bit, clearing some brush, as I start to get a little warmed up, just a bit, and start to get ready to really take a big bite out of some crime and connect some of the dots and / or leopard spots. Delicious. You asked for it. Not me. 

I let you crooks go actually, remember? I dropped criminal charges against you on July 8th. Yep. I thought that would have assuaged your fear of me sending you to prison, but hey, not the brightest criminals in the world. Hence the reason they're criminals. It's sort of like a logical tautology. PLEASE SEEa statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form.

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