Monday, October 23, 2017

re: "POWDER KEG!!"

pow·der keg
ˈpoudər ˌkeɡ/
  1. a barrel of gunpowder.
    • a dangerous or volatile situation.

      "the place had been a powder keg since the uprising"
"Equal Justice Under Law." - Supreme Court of the United States of America, aka "blah blah blah blah blah blah blah." "blah blah." "blah."

This situation seems to keep escalating and escalating. It's just hard for me not to feel like this isn't some sort of "powder keg" or something that's just going to blow up. I mean, how is this going to end? Please see the exact definition of a "powder keg" above and tell me that this isn't a "dangerous or volatile situation?" I'd love to hear someone make the argument for why this is not volatile.  Furthermore, I'll go ahead and define "volatile" for you right now: "liable to change rapidly and unpredictably, especially for the worse."

It's honestly unfathomable to me. I was thinking this morning and trying to even "equate" this to something else, but I almost really couldn't in terms of how insane this would be for a Judge to be cyberstalking a litigant online. I'd probably be hard-pressed to find a similar situation or case and am not really in the mood nor do I have the time to start scouring the internet looking for similar situations or cases. 

Clearly, I don't have the power to de-anonymize this crazy, parasitic, sick, cyberstalker unless "Saloor Alim" really slips up and makes a mistake. I think it'd take an entity like the FBI to de-anonymize the person that is claiming to be a circuit court judge and is going around threatening, harassing, and cyberstalking a litigant who has appeared before him and may very well have to make further "motions" before him if there is a temporary and / or permanent relinquishment of jurisdiction or if the case ends up getting remanded back to him, etc. 

This is simply un-American and strikes at the heart of our Judicial System and for what we stand for as a country and the notion or semblance of any "fairness" in our Judicial system.

Here in "America," unlike many other countries around the world, we pride ourselves on the notion of "fairness," or so I thought? You could literally be accused of the most heinous, disgusting, crimes in our country and we will endeavor to make sure that you have a lawyer, that you're afforded a full and fair defense, that you can either choose to speak up on behalf of your position or even invoke your right under the 5th amendment of the constitution to not incriminate yourself and / or say anything at all. 

On paper, that's not too shabby I feel. Not bad at all. Definitely much much better than some of the disgusting human rights violations going on around the world and in various "Judicial Systems" across the globe. 

But to have a litigant being subjected to this sort of behavior is simply unacceptable in our society. I would stand up for and defend anyone in our country from this sort of intolerable behavior. I don't care if you're some serial killer who's been accused of mutilating his dead, you should not have someone claiming to be the Judge sitting there and stalking that individual, be it online or elsewhere. 

That also creates "taint."

Here's the thing too. As mentioned, I cannot prove or show who this individual is. I can only go by what he's saying and he has confirmed that "it is me" in terms of whether this person could actually, really, in fact, be a freaking judge...Judge Howard K. Coates Jr, 15th Judicial Circuit. 

Whether "he" is or isn't Judge Howard K. Coates matters, but it also sort of doesn't matter in that it's almost just as bad to be impersonating a public official or judge and going around threatening or harassing or cyberstalking litigants before him. 

How would our Florida Attorney General feel is there was some sick, wackjob, "anonymous" cyberstalker out there, that is claiming to be Attorney General Bondi and stalking litigants in our state, including making fun of and just plowing through Cease and Desist notices with complete abandon and a sinister recklessness. I've never had the honor of meeting our Attorney General, so I'm just speculating here, but something tells me "she wouldn't be cool with it." 

It's just a hunch I guess, but I just don't think that'd sit well with her or any other Attorney General in our country. What if someone was impersonating a State Attorney or one of the United States Attorney's and going around threatening, harassing, and stalking litigants online? Would that just be "totally fine and cool?" Something tells me it wouldn't be and that you'd probably be wrapped up in criminal charges so fast your head would spin. That's just sort of my take on it, but it would require a law enforcement agency to de-anonymize the stalker. 

I just hope no one is "Covering for Coates." That's not the best campaign slogan. I just hope people keep their eye on the ball and focus on the actual, root cause defect here and not try to "cover it" with something else. 

Would you think its fair to say that Judge Howard K. Coates and / or whoever this "duplicitous" persona turns out to be might be characterized under the umbrella of Machiavellianism?

Please see below


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Machiavellianism is "the employment of cunning and duplicity in statecraft or in general conduct".[1] The word comes from the Italian Renaissance diplomat and writer Niccolò Machiavelli, born in 1469, who wrote Il Principe (The Prince), among other works.
In modern psychology, Machiavellianism is one of the dark triad personalities, characterized by a duplicitous interpersonal style, a cynical disregard for morality, and a focus on self-interest and personal gain.[2]

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