Thursday, November 2, 2017

A Quick & IMPORTANT Note: Why am I not just posting the IP address for my crazed, threatening, taunting, mocking, bonafide, cyberstalker? Answer:

Thanks for asking David, that's a good question, David. Why not just post it and get it over with? Well David, let me take a brief "pause" here to tell you why. As you can see from the page views / visitors to my blog on the right hand side, we are now over 12,000 visitors. Let's even just chop that number in half or maybe into quarters or something in terms of the "unique IP addresses," meaning we're eliminating repeat viewers etc. 

We're still looking at thousands and thousands of IP addresses. OK, fine, not insurmountable by any means. However, that's not the "issue." The issue is that (yes folks, get ready for it), I want to make sure to absolutely PROTECT Judge Coates and I would never, ever, post his home address online and show (clearly and decisively) it matching up to the IP address that has been taking credit for "being Judge Coates" and committing criminal activity, witness intimidation, threats (including private messages, by the way, or "other" communications from him that haven't been posted), etc.

I would never, ever, ever endanger a Judge or post his or her address online. Period. I don't care if the IP address is screaming loud and clear from his personal residence or other personally identifiable data. I'm just not going to do that. He doesn't deserve threats whatsoever. Period. There is no place in a civilized society for that. Now, I wish I could say the same for me, but hey, who really cares about the bedrock and foundation of our Judicial System and for a litigant to simply be able to navigate his way through the legal system and courts (be it appellate or if there were to have a change of jurisdiction, etc) without being threatened, taunted, mocked, and harassed online et al.?

I previously posted about this, but its worth reiterating. I don't care what someone is accused of in our society. He or she should not be threatened, intimidated, coerced, or harassed as he or she navigates through the legal process. Now, people don't seem to really all that much care that a litigant has been getting cyber-stalked by someone who is outright claiming to be a Judge and is threatening and harassing and intimidating and mocking and taunting him online, a litigant that is before him and could easily have the case either remanded back or me make a motion to temporarily relinquish so that Judge Coates cannot use "jurisdiction" as a basis for denying my motion to disqualify himself, like he had. 

But forget little old me and my personal safety and what that represents in our Judicial System to have a litigant being stalked by a Judge or someone "claiming" to be that Judge, online. 

So, this is a delicate situation and pretty unique. It's not every day in our legal system that a litigant has to match up IP addresses and prove that the freaking Judge is stalking him and do it in a way so as to make sure to not post any sort of personally identifiable information about the Judge (which is sort of necessary in terms of proving who someone is online and matching up their IP address, keep in mind) online in terms of a home address or otherwise. 

I would rather take a misdemeanor and spend 6 months in jail then ever endanger and post a Judge's or a public official's or anyone else's personal information if I knew or had a reasonable belief that it could at all incite some sort of violence or endanger that individual. So, this is a tricky, delicate, complex, matter. It might be something where a criminal complaint needs to get filed UNDER SEAL or something. But it's not something I'm going to rush into and it's also NOT SOMETHING TO BE CELEBRATED. This is sad, sick, disgusting. 

But at the end of the day, I would never post the IP address and show and prove it matching up to home address or any other personal address of a Judge, Public Official, et al. on the internet. I'd rather simply take a misdemeanor and appeal and all that stuff. I would simply never put Judge Coates or any other Judge or anyone else in that position or a position that could endanger him or her or their family, etc. I'd rather be held in contempt and not be able to fully prove and show cause, though I'm pretty sure I can find some workarounds or ways to show cause that in no way reveals any personal, home address or otherwise, in this (bizarre) matter. Among other "things."

We shall see. 

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