Thursday, November 2, 2017

Data Protection and Cat Protection.

Bad boys, Bad boys, watcha' gonna do? Watcha' gonna do when your IP address comes for you, Saloor Alim, you CRIMINAL CYBERSTALKER!!?? AKA Freaking Judge!! I cannot wait to show "PROBABLE" CAUSE at the hearing!!!!!

Is this real life to have the judge of your case freaking stalking you online after you filed a motion telling him you've busted him on OBSTRUCTION? (among other things). I guess civil immunity doesn't extend to federal, felony, offenses and stuff like that, huh? It got you on "tilt" didn't it, COATES aka Saloor Alim? 

Remember when I told you to CEASE AND DESIST multiple, multiple times online and you just kept cyberstalking away? Yeah, me too. It's all been recorded and captured, "Judge."

(Remember the good old days, "Saloor Alim," Cyberstalker!??)

Um, yeah, your "digital footprint" is coming back to haunt you in a major, major, major way. Big heart, wink wink, thumbs up Saloor Alim aka JUDGE COATES!!!

Hmm, are you worried that you have been POSITIVELY ID'd?? I might just make you sweat this one out. Big heart, wink wink ;) 

Ok ok ok. But I swear this time. I have 2 therapy-cats. Max!! But I need them!! You can have your stupid therapy-cat search warrant!! The cats! The cats stay with me! They go where I go!! Unhand that cat!!

Asking the Southern District of New York about therapy-cats in jail. Paging Preet, oh wait, he's not there anymore. Damn, he was good. Our walls are crumbling. That's for sure. He would have investigated the hell out of the "15th Circuit of Dante's Inferno of No Evidence Allowed." Maybe he can act as a consultant for me then? I wonder if SDNY has any good case law to pull from or insights into the matter of therapy-cats in jail for contempt of court for protecting the DOJ and FBI and fighting the good fight (for them). 

Why do I feel like a district like the 15th Judicial Circuit in Palm Beach just wouldn't fly in Manhattan? It doesn't pass the smell test. "No evidence allowed, no lawyers allowed, no jury's allowed. Sit down, shut up, listen to the biased school principles (who are all buddy-buddy with each other) and their rules rules rules rules of Civil Procedure. We are obsessed with rules rules rules. We don't care about the actual content. We're just looking out for our little pals on the inside. You sit down, shut up, do as your told. Don't you dare talk back to the principle. Can't you read. NO EVIDENCE ALLOWED. Abandon all hope ye' who enter here! I've only been once, but I can say with absolute, positive, certainty (based on an overwhelming abundance of evidence and facts) that it definitely had a very strong hint of Nazi Germany cologne reeking from the place. Ugh, putrid smell test. Toss that evidence out, I'm the KING OF THE COURT, I RULE WITH IMPUNITY DUE TO MY JUDICIAL IMMUNITY!! HAHAHA!!!! GET HIM BUDDY BOY, THROW HIM IN THE SLAMMER!!

They're a couple of Mig Fighters in there. Can someone alert the Navy that we need a few F-35, Stealth American Jets, to do a flyover and see what in the hell is going on over there!?

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