Thursday, November 9, 2017


If you're reading this right now, you could very well be one of the people opening up your checking account and paying for my free breakfast and room and board, instead of me working for you and helping to improve your life and our collective, public, safety and helping to instill some confidence in the data that our Government collects. No "if's, and's, or but's," about that...

I promise you that there are better, more accurate, more cost-effective, scalable, ways to do this that would help boost public safety and public confidence in this process and save taxpayer dollars. There just are. I could restructure and / or overhaul this myself, in my sleep, or at the very least conduct a top-down analysis and submit a full report for the FL Government and Legislature. "Take what you want and leave the rest, these are just my 2 cents." I realize there are budget constraints and fiscal year-end deadlines and all that. I realize I'm not just going to snap my finger and help improve the government technology in the state of Florida. All I can do is offer my recommendations and / or opinions and / or insights and analysis to the powers that be and let the powers that be do as they may. 

Why not put me to use? Why not gain something and use me as a value add instead of having taxpayers PAY MONEY to give me free breakfast and food and a free place to sleep and all that. 3 hots and a cot? Why not make me pay for my own food and room and board and make me work for it, to help improve our government? You know I can. You definitely know I can. What if one of my recommendations or ideas or suggestions saves a life? Have you reviewed the trial record at the 15th Judicial Circuit? Did you see how Apple Computers is all over my ideas and basically just took and ran with them? Yup, it's on the record, check it out? 

Up to you? Waste money? Free food? You can't hold me forever? It's a misdemeanor. It ain't prison. It's also no picnic, but it's not a felony and it ain't prison. It's just a bunch of drunks, drug addicts, and losers (sometimes I wonder if I'm already not surrounded by the same and if I'd even notice)? Why not get something good out of it? Why not use me and my talent and get something good out of it instead of paying for my room and board and get nothing in return? Even worse than nothing, maybe get something much, much worse in return? I don't know what effect that's going to have on my psyche? Probably not a good or helpful one, I'd imagine? Why not turn me into an ally? An asset? A value add? Why not put me to work for the State and for the benefit of the people?

How about a Work-Release program where I help fix some of your technological issues for free? I'm serious. 

I realize that government technology systems are not exactly all state-of-the-art or even "up to speed" many times, but I'm just genuinely curious how and / or where you're pulling some of your data that you're relying on for legal documents or for personally identifiable information? 

Let's take for instance, my first (and only), ever, criminal "charge" in my life, which is this indirect, misdemeanor, contempt charge where I was recently charged with being in possession of "contemptuous thoughts." I'm new to this whole thing and (I guess) getting a "rap sheet" or something like that? I mean, hopefully I'd either be able to appeal the misdemeanor or at the least have it expunged when all is said and done and whatever penalty or price I need to pay in defending my freaking life and my personal safety and well-being against direct, threats, from a sick, insane stalker who has been flooding my personal inbox and bombarding me online, despite me emphatically telling him to cease and desist (he just mocked those silly little attempts). 

Anyway, I'm being charged with a misdemeanor and on the public docket, in just trying to research and make sense of anything going on (as there are seemingly blatant contradictions in terms of who is even presiding over the case and you can forget actually being "served" with any sort of papers, we learned about that during the "hearing" on July 13th under Judge Coates), I was able to find my personal info online with the court house. 

So, they listed me as 5'10" (correct) and 185 pounds? I mean, that's just a little weird about the weight thing, but OK? I mean, how do you know I'm not 170 pounds or 175 pounds? Have you been over to my house to weigh me lately? This data is certainly not taken from any sort of official, "weigh-in" or whatever as even though I'm being charged with a misdemeanor, I have not been arrested and there is no warrant out for me. In fact, I'm trying to find and figure out where the heck I need to be for this and where and who is overseeing this? I mean, I'd love to find out what's happening, but ok. 

Next, they listed my eye color (which is a rather significant, personally identifiable detail about someone) as brown, when it is definitely not brown. I have light eyes. So, I just don't "get it" in terms of who fills this out or what data they pull from or do they just sort of like look up a picture of you on the internet and sort of "eye-ball" it in terms of the legal documentation that they're going on and the somewhat important / significant details about someone, like their eye-color, for example? 

I mean, what if someone was a fugitive or something or charged with like a serious, legitimate, violent crime and our law enforcement professionals were looking for someone with dark eyes (and black hair), when in fact that individual has some really light eyes, actually? I mean, the police are liable to look right over him or if they question someone or think it might be someone and they look down and see the data telling them he or she has brown eyes and they're staring at someone with light blue eyes or something. Couldn't that false data cause the police to "lose their man" or something?

Let's get super, super serious here for a second. Imagine (for example) that someone raped or murdered your daughter? Yes, I know. Unspeakably horrific, no words to even describe. None. What I do know, is that any father or any mother or any brother or any sister, etc., would want to make sure that law enforcement professionals apprehend that mother(blank) as soon as possible. So, while it's somewhat "silly" in terms of me and this misdemeanor for telling a judge he's a "hoofed mammal" (I mean, does anyone actually believe he could be 'hoofed') or whatever. Imagine a violent, criminal, charged with multiple felony's? That description and that discrepancy, matters. It really, really matters. If that was my daughter and the description of the attacker was that off base, I'd be positively out of my mind apoplectic. I'd want that guy standing trial and behind bars, like yesterday. I'd probably "want" a lot of other things, but in terms of what I'd be able to "want" for someone who may have committed such unspeakable atrocities to your own daughter (for example), that might be as good as you can get. 


Oh yeah, apparently I have "black hair" now too? There's a big difference between someone with very dark, "black" hair and brown eyes and the makeup, complexion, and coloring of someone without "black hair" and "brown eyes," but maybe, in fact, "light eyes" and anything but "black hair?" That just ain't me. I'm happy to help you correct it and is the reason I'm pointing it out, but I'm also just curious how these sort of problems arise and what the root cause is and how it could be done differently, better, more accurately, and what's causing such a disparate description of someone being entered into a legal, government, database. 

I think you might be getting the whole Sephardic / Ashkenazi thing backwards? 

I guess I might have "contempt" for security flaws or "things just not being done right?" I don't know? Look at Steve Jobs, of "Apple" fame. Go read his biography. He was liable to tear your head off and throw an iphone at your head if you proposed a dumb idea in a meeting or if your design on an Apple product didn't meet the exceedingly stringent and perfectionist standards of Steve Jobs. Talk about contempt. He had contempt for anything that was less than perfection and he built an empire. 

Go talk to Elon Musk at Tesla. Contempt? Ha. Have you heard the stories of how he'll yell you right out of the conference room if you're not contributing with any good ideas or there for any real, specific, particular purpose? Yeah, he has "contempt" for inferior performance as well and has unreal standards. Both of these men shot for the stars and each of them succeeded. 

No wonder I haven't been served with any papers yet. Meanwhile, I've probably been sitting next to the Sheriff at some coffee shop the entire time and he just has no idea he is supposed to serve me papers for a misdemeanor for calling a judge a jackass? 

I don't know, but it's just interesting to me in terms of GOVERNMENT DATA. I mean, I don't know, you'd think that data that is being used for the benefit of the police or on legal documents wouldn't be something you just "wing it" on or something, I feel? Maybe I'm wrong. I have no idea how the process works and how someone goes about getting "identified" or how his or her personal details get inputted into "the system." It's just weird, but I feel like there's probably a better, more accurate, more precise, way to do it and some sort of database that could at least keep a rather significant detail about someone's eye color straight? I'm sure there are better, more efficient, scalable, ways that would not break the bank in implementing, but what do I know. Apparently I'm 185 pounds with black hair and brown eyes, now? OK. Sure. 

Can you spot the guy with black hair and brown eyes?

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