Sunday, November 12, 2017

I love guns too!! I recant!! I recant!! Judge Coates!! Judge Coates!! I apologize!! I apologize!! My bad!! Forget all about that corruption talk (please see):

Hey, I'm neck and neck with this guy!!! Look at me!! Look at me!!!

This could be a great career move for me!! Get me on the next round!!!

I can step up my incendiary language!!! Look at me!!

I'm pro 2nd amendment!! I really am!! I love shooting guns!!! I honestly do. Going all the way back to when I was on the riflery team at Camp Cody in New Hampshire, shooting little .22's!! Dude, I can place a .22 anywhere I wanted, my aim is so ridiculously good. 

Pick me for federal judge!! Pick me for federal judge!!

This dude is 36 years old (my age) and a blogger (I know you are but what am I) and has never tried a case (even I have tried a freaking case, before Judge Coates, hahahaha!!!!), but has been writing a pro-gun blog! I love me some guns!!! Bang Bang!! Is that all you need to say to become the next President of the United States of Gun-Loving America!? I'm a freaking expert level marksmen and have been to riflery competitions. I kid you not. I mean, I was young. But still. 

I am freaking overqualified compared to this guy!!!

I mean, meanwhile, the person you ruled in favor of for a civil (meaning not in any what "criminal") "cyber-stalking" injunction just turned around and started liking my freaking Facebook page (yes, we're still under the time period for the civil injuction, it expires mid-January), so clearly he and his fake family and fake story weren't and aren't all that scared and their crocodile tears fooled the hell out of you. I'm so scared of him, I can't sleep or eat or breath!! My kids are terrified!! We have had to move to North Dakota!! That's why I'm online and liking posts on his Facebook page right now!!! Bahahah!! Yup, captured that evidence, Dateline NBC style, to "Catch a Predator," good old screenshots Command + Shift + 3 (on a Mac).

I'm so sorry Judge Coates, Your Honor. You're good, you are freaking light years ahead of this young, blogger who has never tried a freaking case in his life. I tried a case before you!!! My own!!! I apologize!! I recant!! I recant!!! I recant!! Forget all about that corruption talk!!

I take it back, Judge Goodman. I take it back. You are both way, way, way more qualified than this 36 year old blogger (wait, that sounds exactly like me) who has never tried a case and just got his law degree and who will have a lifetime appointment to the federal bench!! I apologize, Sir. I apologize to you, Sir. I am completely serious. This is insane.

I can officially say I am now more qualified than a Federal Judge! I give up!! I give up!! You can keep your legal system!! I recant!! Why waste your time being a judge at the Fourth District Court of Appeal, the key is being a 36 year old blogger (like me) who has never tried a case!!! Lifetime appointment to the federal bench!!! I recant!!

Holy Mother. I give up!! I give up!! Uncle!! I cry Uncle!!! I just fainted.

Legitimately, I might be OK with apologizing now. I have to really, really think about things. Truly, this calls for some serious soul searching.

Haha. Look at Senator Franken. Sucker!!!

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