Monday, November 6, 2017

"You're not a law enforcement officer, with like a certification or anything like that? Right?" - Judge Coates

Material omission. You forgot to ask if I'm an "American Military Codebreaker." You forgot to ask if I "work with" the DOD or "other" American Military Establishments. You forgot to ask if I help protect the National Security of the United States of America. You forgot to ask if I'm military. You forgot to ask a lot of things. You forgot. You forgot. 

Well, are you "military," Mr. Lerner. 

Per your advice and explicit instructions, Your Honor, I will be following your lead and "pleading the fifth on that." 

Lock me up you amateurs. This will be the best thing that ever happened to me. Do it do it do it do it do it do it. I dare you. Do it. Just do it. Like Nike. I.can.not.wait!!!!!! 

(You've got to be a little crazy to do what I do. It's sort of like a pre-requisite or something. Trust me. You'd never be able to un-see what I've seen and what I see on a daily basis.)

"Stop stalking me and I'll stop stalking you." - Theatre of the Absurd.

Photo credit: Annie Leibovitz. The "other" one.

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