Thursday, November 9, 2017

Question re: the State of Florida?

Do the Powers That Be think that by holding me on a misdemeanor contempt charge and / or even jailing me at your local jail in Palm Beach for (under a year, plus the actual time I'd "serve"), that this is somehow just going to go away and disappear? Do the powers that be think that this is the answer and will "solve the problem of David Lerner?" Because, I feel, it might only inflame things and make things much, much, much worse. Personally, just my opinion and I'm speculating of course. I don't particularly feel like being around a bunch of drunks and drug addicts and losers in your local jail is really the answer here and what you're really after and going for? But, that's just me. 

I'm pretty sure I can hack it in there. As long as I come out alive, I'll be fine. I think I'll survive and that it will only embolden me, make me stronger, more determined, and elicit some serious sympathy and draw even more media / press coverage and / or the ability for me to harness some serious media coverage after emerging from your local jail on the misdemeanor (which I'll move to expunge, of course, as I've never been arrested in my entire life...including with this misdemeanor business). 

I just don't think it's the "best" solution, but hey, it might be an awesome awesome solution for me and for the publicity of this blog and / or monetization purposes and / or otherwise? This could take the story into the next stratosphere and be just the kick it needs? You just never know, really. There are unintended consequences. But, I'm really not afraid of it. At all. It is what it is. We'll see, this promises to be interesting. But then, I'd be able to contact journalists and writers and the press as an "inmate" and also a bunch of other things when I get out and wash off your pixie dust from your local jail or whatever and expunge the misdemeanor and be back to a perfectly spotless, criminal record (per usual). 

I don't know. I feel like this is a very, very, very risky play by the State of Florida and the Powers That Be. There are just a lot of unknowns here and I could easily see some scenarios where this backfires on the Powers That Be. I'm just speculating as that would truly be some uncharted territory, but I really only see it as a net benefit to myself where I'd end up gaining more than I lose and come out the winner on that? I could be wrong, but they can't hold me forever on some ridiculous misdemeanor. I don't know if this is truly thought through on their part, but we'll see. It might be just the ticket. 

Maybe I should alert the Innocence Project now before I go in and start getting them the evidence and details (much of it still as-yet unseen) and really draw some national media attention to this issue of Public Corruption. Hmm, so much to think about, so many options opening up for me...

There could be lots of surprises in store!? If they think it's going to just shut me up, I don't think I could think of anything that would only embolden me, make me stronger, more determined, more forceful, more ever-present, more powerful, and just all-around LOUDER AND LOUDER AND LOUDER AND LOUDER AND LOUDER. I really don't. I couldn't even begin to imagine right now. 

Hmm, just a lot to think about I feel. A lot a lot a lot. 

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