Saturday, October 7, 2017

re: The Problem of "Going Dark." To: Saloor Alim. Cyberstalker.

Hey "Saloor Alim,"

Since you seem to be a logician, a technician, and a tactician (what a dangerous combo), could you please explain to me, in technical detail, what's required for an individual to "go dark?" They didn't teach this type of stuff at Yale did they? Wait, did you go to Yale or no? You're only contributing to my extreme duress and distress, so I may be getting my wires crossed. 

I don't even know anything about you? Tell me about yourself, little Monkey. 

You seem well versed in it and are clearly remaining anonymous for a reason. Why don't you take off your "Monkey Mask" picture and show your face or just give me your email? Let's chat. AOL just killed off AIM, otherwise I'd say let's chat in a chatroom or we could have a Google Hangout or video chat or something? You'd still remain anonymous, maybe you can wear a monkey mask during our video chat? 

Why are you so scared, buddy? What are you afraid of? Something seems to really have gotten under your skin? Are you not having a good day or week or month? You seem quite taken and infatuated with me. You know how some Monkeys wear diapers and stuff and others don't? I think I remember that from the Zoo or watching National Geographic. Why the monkey mask and monkey diapers? You're a real, tough, cyberstalker when you're anonymous aren't you? 

Why don't you take off your "Monkey Mask" and show your face on the internet? I mean, you (maybe plural, I don't know?) make for a cute little internet monkey, but really, what are you so afraid of? Why hide behind the anonymity of the internet? Just staying at home or wherever elsewhere and cyberstalking away? 

Why so cowardly, cute little Monkey? You really are a cute Monkey though. I didn't take you for the cowardly type, to simply hide behind a computer screen with a monkey picture, but hey, I guess nothing really shocks me or surprises me these days. 

But, back to the subject. I hate to interrupt you, as you're probably working on the next Silk Road takedown with the DOJ / FBI as we speak (well done on that, Saloor, kuddos to you by the way). The problem of "Going Dark" is only going to get worse and worse, so very well done there. No joke. 

But, could you just take off your monkey mask and / or at least then explain to me, in technical detail, how exactly one would "go dark," such that there is no DNS leakage or end-point compromise or Tor exit nodes or whatever other stuff you can simply look up on Google?

Enlighten me. Let's quit Monkeying around now, Saloor Alim? Let's try to solve some serious problems together. Something good needs to come of this all. There's no reason we can't be friends or even allies...why such hatred and / or fear of me and / or the investigative reporter covering Judge Howard K. Coates? Are you worried about something? Is there some "complicity" on your part?

What's up, Monkey? Why not take off your internet mask? Do you feel you need to be protected or something? Why not just show your face? C'mon, I know you're brave. Talk to me, no one is listening (I promise, no one cares), it's just you and me, Dr. Dave on "Love-line." 

Let's solve some tough problems together. 

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