Monday, October 9, 2017

re: "If"

"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." 

Saloor, do you know where this code is from? 

Name that tune, Saloor Alim. Cyberstalker who just won't quit and ignores multiple Cease and Desist attempts? 

Do you understand this code? 

Does the "jury?" Oh wait, there's no such thing as a "jury" around here. There was no and is no "jury," Saloor Alim. I think you know that. C'mon, don't play dumb. 

A jury would imply there was some sort of "trial." Saloor, wink wink. Am I right or am I right, Saloor? We don't use a jury around here, Saloor. I think you need to start reading up on the Law, big guy. 

That's not how we roll. We try to keep things real "hush hush" around here, you know? 

You'll get your wish and plenty of codes will be decrypted and deciphered for you, buddy. Little Monkey aka Big Body Builder. Whatever your pleasure. 

But hey, can you break this code or just "name that tune?"

Does it seem "iffy" to you?

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