Sunday, November 12, 2017

Last blog post of the night:

Hey, remember how the petitioner turned appellee Cory Meltzer went out of his way to search for and find my Facebook page (we're not friends, I deleted him) and then once he found my personal Facebook page he went ahead and engaged and interacted and straight up "liked" one of my posts! Yes, this is the man who said I am freaking cyber-stalking him? Um. I haven't liked any of his posts on Facebook?? 

We are in the Matrix and / or Alice in Wonderland and / or The Twilight Zone. But all the evidence is online on my blog. I mean, this is all so crazy that I literally had to start a blog and just start posting the evidence online as no one would believe me otherwise. 

What else was I supposed to do. Well, whatever. That was a total rule violation in terms of the injunction and went directly against the judge's orders and per the judge completely undermine's the need for an injunction and he "invites contact" with me at his own peril. It also just sort of exposes his fraud and baloney lies and the complete and utter hoax this has been and that he perpetrated on the police force and the courts. Talk about malicious prosecution and fraud upon the court. Good gracious. Good night, see you tomorrow (if no one assassinates me tonight or anything, just saying).

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